The Wizard Wolf: WindWard Book One Page 17
Kell pulled the stopper from it and gave the lip of the bottle a sniff. He reared back as the foul smell hit his nose and regretted his decision. With the acrid smell of burning rubber still in his nose, he glanced back toward Johnny. It was difficult to read Johnny’s expression, an odd mixture of reluctance and acceptance as he motioned for Kell to continue. Wrinkling his nose, Kell tipped the bottle back, drinking the contents as quickly as he could.
“Oh God, that’s fucking awful,” Kell exclaimed as the potion burned in his stomach.
Earl chuckled. “I told you it was bad.”
With that done, Earl reached up and pressed a finger to Kell’s forehead. Earl’s eyes widened, and his lips moved silently. Kell felt a distant breeze shift and smelled wildflowers and fresh water. When Earl pulled his hand away, Kell was left with only the taste of bad eggs and fish on his tongue.
“Now, when the moon goes full the next time, we’ll find out if you really are one of us too,” Earl said.
“That’s it?” Kell asked, surprised.
“Quick and easy,” Lydia reminded him.
Melanie looked at Johnny. “You will be the one to watch him when the time comes?”
Johnny nodded. “Of course.”
“Then on that note, we shall take our leave. We still have more to do before the night ends. Take care of yourself, Windward, we’ll see you on the first night of the full moon,” Lydia said, briskly walking to the door.
“Hopefully on all fours,” Melanie smiled sweetly, following close behind Lydia.
Earl followed the women, shooting Kell and Johnny a wink before closing the door behind him. Distantly, Kell felt the barrier go down once again, before rising after the trio had passed safely through it.
Kell turned to Johnny. “Do you think it’ll work?”
“I…don’t know Kell,” Johnny said hesitantly.
Their explanation about the loss and confusion of the lost werewolves stuck with Kell. His teenage years had been fraught with emotional disturbances, far beyond that of other boys. The almost-diagnosis of IED sounded exactly how they’d described the trouble of the lost pups.
“It makes a lot of sense,” Kell said hopefully.
Johnny smiled, standing up to hug Kell to him. “Then we’ll wait and see.”
Kell couldn’t be sure, but he thought he heard something sad in Johnny’s voice. Burrowing closer to his chest, Kell wrapped his arms tightly around Johnny. There was still so much for them to learn about each other and they had time yet to grow closer. The possibility of being a werewolf thrilled him, and he hoped that maybe it would be the key to alleviating Johnny’s greatest fears.
The full moon couldn’t come fast enough in Kell’s opinion.
Chapter 12
The soft whisper of cloth on glass was loud in the quiet of the cabin. Johnny eyed the window pane carefully, making sure every last speck of dirt or dust was gone. The floor had been diligently swept and mopped, the chimney cleaned out, and the furniture scrubbed. The only thing left for him to do was the finer details of cleaning.
The sun was steadily turning from its brilliant light into the fiery hues of red and orange as it began to set behind the horizon. The first night of the full moon was approaching fast, and Johnny could feel the urge to transform stirring inside him. It would be a few hours yet before the moon rose high enough to drive him into his wolf form, but he could feel the animal in his soul beginning to pace restlessly.
He knew full well that Kell wouldn’t care one bit about how clean the cabin was, especially if the change did come upon him. It was busy work to distract Johnny from his torrent of worried thoughts as he waited for nightfall to come. That, and part of him knew that, first shift or not, Johnny would feel better if Kell had a warm and clean home to return to. Even if Johnny had to run under the moon’s light by himself, he could do so knowing Kell would be comfortable.
“Hey! Anyone home?” Alyssa called suddenly from outside.
Johnny frowned, tossing the rag as he went to the front door and opened it. The woman was already making her way through the front gate, with the barrier going back up behind her. The protective barrier would be dropped at sundown for the next three nights, courtesy of the witches’ respect for the werewolf’s need to run. It was a small gesture, but Johnny took it as a good sign of things to come.
Alyssa smirked when she saw him. “You’ve got dirt on your nose.”
Johnny rubbed at it. “Doing a bit of cleaning. I suppose I should bathe after I’m done.”
“Mmm, it would ruin the image you were going for if the house was clean but you were dirty,” Alyssa teased.
“It’s customary to have a clean den upon the first change,” Johnny insisted.
“And I’m sure it has nothing to do with attempting to take your mind off the possibility of Kell being a werewolf,” Alyssa said with a knowing smirk.
Johnny crossed his arms over his chest. “I imagine you came here for something other than to antagonize me.”
Alyssa laughed. “As a matter of fact, I did. Teasing you just happens to be an amusing side effect.”
Johnny rolled his eyes. “Then please, multitask.”
Alyssa took a pouch from her hip and held it out. “I’ve been told, by a few of the werewolves who will actually speak to me, that it’s also customary for the Pack to provide herbs for the new werewolf.”
Johnny took the pouch, peering into it. “Someone told you about these?”
Alyssa shrugged. “Most of them keep to themselves and don’t say much when they’re around the witches. Some of them though, younger ones, seemed pretty eager to have the chance to talk. There’s a set of twins who were more than happy to make friends when the Pack and Coven decided to work together in the long term.”
“Did they tell you what these herbs do?” Johnny asked.
“Apparently, when burned, they create soothing dreams for the werewolf. Since it seems that even after the release they get from their first transformation, a new werewolf can be a little…restless, even while sleeping or during the day. They tell me it’s even worse when they’re a lost pup and they told me about these herbs, which should help,” Alyssa told him.
Johnny smiled, closing the pouch and tucking it away in his pocket. There were only a couple of wolves willing to reach across the distance, but it was a good sign in Johnny’s mind. Mending bridges had to start somewhere and if a couple of werewolves were willing to try, then others would follow suit. Little by little, so long as nothing broke the fragile truce, Johnny could see the differences between the Children beginning to fade.
“You’ve got that starry-eyed look again,” Alyssa warned.
Johnny laughed. “It’s just nice knowing that the Children are starting to work things out on their own.”
“It’s only a couple of wolves—don’t get ahead of yourself,” Alyssa warned.
Johnny shrugged. “It’s a step in the right direction. Allow me my happiness.”
Alyssa scrutinized him, cocking her head. “Truth be told, you’re happier than I’ve ever seen you before.”
“Things have…changed for me recently, and I’d like to believe it’s been for the better,” Johnny said.
Alyssa snorted. “You managed to erase your criminal record, are allowed to learn magic despite choosing to be a wolf, and you’ve helped get the Children on talking terms again. Add to all that the fact you’ve found yourself a man, and I can certainly imagine you’re feeling good.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about the last bit. If Kell doesn’t turn out to be a werewolf…” Johnny trailed off, not wanting to put words to the thought.
“You really think that’s going to matter after everything you two have been through?” Alyssa asked doubtfully.
Johnny wasn’t sure. While he’d felt no restless stirrings from his wolf about being with Kell, it was like waiting for a blow he knew should come. The non-wolf part of him cherished Kell and knew he wasn’t far from being in l
ove with him. It was the first time since he’d been in the Coven he’d ever felt that way about someone else, and it terrified him to think the wolf he had once treasured might ruin it.
“Mmm, looks like a subject you should be bringing up with Kell instead of me,” Alyssa noted.
“I’ve meant to, quite a few times, but I can’t quite bring myself to broach the subject. In all honesty, I believe it’s a topic better served after tonight,” Johnny said.
Alyssa raised a brow. “And if he doesn’t turn out to be a werewolf? Or let’s say he is, but not an omega?”
Johnny made a pained expression. “It won’t change how I feel about him as a man.”
Alyssa smiled at that. “Good, then I think that’s all that matters. Werewolf or not, you’re still a thinking creature, and a witch to boot. I think that might have more of an effect than you give it credit for.”
Johnny sat down on the edge of the porch, sighing. “I hope so. This could open up so many doors, and not just for him and me personally. Being a werewolf brings him closer to being the missing link between werewolf and witch. Not only that, but he would be the first Child in generations to be raised in both witch and werewolf worlds, allowed to be who he is.”
“You know, considering how everything went to hell for you about that, I would expect you’d be a little jealous,” Alyssa remarked.
Johnny chuckled. “You would think that, but you’d be wrong. It’s hard to resent what he’ll have when I want nothing but happiness for him.”
“Oof, someone’s falling hard,” Alyssa whispered conspiratorially.
Johnny laughed. “That’s putting it mildly. But the truth of the matter is, Kell deserves to be spared the fate so many hybrids have had to suffer in the past. Not only that, but it marks a good step in the right direction for the Children. If I can be forgiven for my magic, and he can be raised and taught within both worlds, it speaks of hope for the future generations.”
Alyssa looked skyward, thoughtful. “What an odd thought. The future filled with Children who have a foot in each of our worlds, yet never having to fear cutting half of themselves off. It’s hard to not get a little wistful at the idea.”
Johnny grinned. “Told you.”
Alyssa rolled her eyes. “Don’t get too hopeful yet. We still have a long road to go before we’re anywhere close to that future.”
“I was told things by oracles many years ago, things that didn’t seem possible, especially as time and life gave me hell. However, I’ve learned a little something about waiting for good things, even as you work toward them,” Johnny told her.
“I remember you being so much more bitter and grumpy the last time we had a real conversation,” Alyssa commented.
“I think we can safely blame this newfound sunny disposition of mine on Kell. The man has quite the effect on people,” Johnny said with a shake of his head.
“Tell me about it. Lord, he’s been driving his teachers absolutely bonkers today,” Alyssa said with a low laugh.
Johnny nodded, remembering how bouncy Kell had been that morning. “Been a bit full of it?”
“And with extra to spare it seems. He can’t seem to sit still and won’t stop babbling on about anything that pops into his head. I honestly can’t tell if it’s the normal werewolf restlessness at the full moon thing, or if it’s just Kell being excited and antsy,” Alyssa said.
“Well, hopefully his teachers have had the sense to keep him away from the Sage. I can’t imagine he’d be overly thrilled at dealing with Kell when he’s so…enthusiastic,” Johnny finished with a fond smile.
“You won’t believe this, but they didn’t, and the Sage doesn’t seem any grumpier than usual. Actually, if you ask me, he seemed a little less grumpy. I won’t admit to saying this, but I’m almost positive Kell has actually improved the old coot’s attitude,” Alyssa said with a touch of wonder in her voice.
Johnny chuckled. “It’s the time of miracles.”
Alyssa smiled then, warmly and openly. “And I hope you get a bit of your own miracle tonight.”
Johnny’s gaze turned to the setting sun. “Yeah, I hope so too.”
* * *
Carefully, Johnny lit the last candle on the windowsill before drawing away. Courtesy of a few of the witches, Johnny had managed to get his hands on a collection of small candles, which burned softly around the house. They provided a gentle glow, making the cabin’s interior feel cozy and safe. The fireplace was arranged with the kindling and logs he’d need to light the fire later that night, hopefully after they both returned from their nighttime run.
Twilight had come and the last of the sunlight was fading away beyond the horizon. The purple sky overhead was twinkling with its first few stars. The full moon would rise in the next hour, and Johnny could feel his inner wolf growing even more restless. His wolf was ready to be free, for Johnny to call it forth so it could run and play. Johnny soothed it, assuring it he would bring it out and they would have their fun after he had Kell with him.
Johnny knew the witches wouldn’t keep Kell too late. Not only were both factions of Children on their best behavior with one another, no witch wanted to be the one to deal with a werewolf on their first transformation. Johnny had accepted the duty of taking care of Kell during his transformation and he was growing anxious as the minutes passed.
Johnny paced out onto the front porch, waiting for the telltale signs of lights approaching through the woods. The wind was picking up, carrying the smells of the nearby woods to his sensitive nose. After a couple of minutes of impatient waiting, another scent was brought on the wind. Johnny perked up as he caught the complex and enticing smell he knew belonged to Kell. Knowing that if he were in wolf form, his tail would be wagging, Johnny brightened and waited to catch sight of him.
Kell approached the house by himself, his normal accompanying witch teachers having apparently departed earlier. Kell was singing softly to himself, a tune Johnny didn’t recognize. He’d never heard Kell sing before and realized that the man’s soft tenor singing voice was beautiful to hear. Johnny kept himself still as Kell approached, entranced by the melody.
Kell stopped before the gate, reaching out before laughing. “Oh right, it’s not up tonight.”
Johnny continued to watch Kell as he pushed through the gate, still chuckling to himself. Despite the nervous energy that had been bouncing through Kell that morning, he seemed happy and content. He was walking a little faster than usual but he didn’t look anxious or worried as he walked the dark path leading to the cabin.
Kell stopped when he spotted Johnny, jerking in surprise. “Shit! How long have you been standing there watching me?”
“I smelled you before you came into view, so the whole time,” Johnny said with a slow smile.
Kell squinted up at him. “You know, before all this happened, that would have been one of the creepiest things anyone has ever said to me.”
Johnny descended the stairs. “And now?”
Kell laid a hand on Johnny’s neck when he was close. “Now it’s one of the sexiest and romantic things I’ve ever had someone say to me.”
Chuckling, Johnny leaned down and pressed his lips to Kell’s. Johnny took a deep breath, inhaling Kell’s scent, which had grown stronger since earlier that day, deep into his lungs. Kell moaned softly into the kiss, pressing his smaller body against Johnny’s eagerly.
“I missed you too,” Kell murmured against Johnny’s lips.
“You smell very good,” Johnny told him, his voice dropping an octave.
“I love it when you sound like that,” Kell said, a small shiver running through his body.
Johnny wrapped an arm around Kell and picked him up, holding him tight to his body. His earlier worries about Kell being there in time for the first shift were forgotten as he felt the warmth of his lover’s body. Kell’s scent was overwhelming Johnny’s senses and the small shiver of arousal had flicked the last switch in Johnny’s head. Transformation coming or not, he was going to hav
e Kell before it happened.
Kell held tight to Johnny’s neck, laughing as he was carried into the cabin. “Oh God, so this is happening then.”
Johnny moved into the living room, kneeling so he could ease Kell onto the thick rug on the floor. Hungrily, he ran his hands up Kell’s thighs, over his groin, and under his shirt. Kell was smaller than Johnny but he wasn’t a frail stick of nothing—he was solid and tight with muscle. Johnny ran his hands eagerly over the stretch of Kell’s stomach and chest, feeling them shift and move as Kell squirmed happily.
Bending forward, Johnny shoved Kell’s shirt up to his shoulders, exposing his stomach and chest. Johnny nibbled playfully on Kell’s warm skin, running his tongue from his chest down to his waist. Kell gasped as Johnny’s tongue slid along his waist, teasing with a little push beneath the exposed band of his underwear.
Instinct and need pounded through Johnny as he fought to undo Kell’s pants. When they were undone, Johnny gripped the bottom of his own shirt, yanking it up over his head and throwing it to the side. He was pleased to see Kell had done the same, leaving him shirtless, pants undone, and bathed in the soft glow of the candlelight.
Johnny bent to kiss Kell again, the kiss equal parts loving and possessive. He found he didn’t care much if Kell turned out to be a werewolf or not. Kell had been his from the first moment they’d run into one another. Johnny wasn’t about to let his wolf, the world, or his own doubts keep him from having Kell. Johnny wasn’t so confident in himself, but Kell was something he could be sure of.
Kell moaned, pushing his hips up against Johnny’s body above him. Johnny nipped Kell’s bottom lip, growling as he felt Kell’s bulge brush against his stomach. Reaching down, he pushed Kell’s underwear out of the way and took hold of Kell’s straining cock. Kell’s mouth dropped open, a needy gasp coming from him as he thrust into Johnny’s grip.
Johnny loved the moments when Kell gave himself completely to him. Kell was self-sufficient, fiercely independent, and unafraid to tackle a problem. Johnny never felt like he had to worry whether Kell could take care of himself, nor ever felt like he needed to be coddled. Yet in moments such as when Johnny was practically holding him down and groping him, all Kell’s natural resistance and stubbornness gave way to neediness and desire. Johnny knew in the back of his mind that Kell didn’t need him, even as he gave himself up for Johnny happily. More importantly to Johnny, Kell wanted him, had chosen him.