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The Wizard Wolf: WindWard Book One Page 12

  Johnny winced as he watched the Vigil continue forward, the first line of vehicles colliding with explosive force against the barrier. The vehicles were sturdy enough that they didn’t shred upon impact, but Johnny watched as a large truck crumpled in the front, the rear end lifting several feet into the air before slamming down. Others that hit weren’t as lucky, and their vehicles flipped, smashing to the ground and sending debris skittering across the road. The impact was enough to force the barrier down, the sheet of shimmering air flickering for a moment before finally falling away.

  The barrier had the intended effect, however, and the rest of the convoy slid to a screeching stop before the line of Children. From behind what Johnny imagined was reinforced glass, he could see the Vigil members loading up. Their faces were covered with masks, though as there were no witnesses save for the Children, Johnny couldn’t imagine they were necessary.

  Beside him, Kell stirred to life as the Children prepared for battle. Groaning, Kell’s hand rested upon the bruised spot on his forehead, pushing up from his crumpled position on the floor of the car. Brown eyes wide, Kell sat up and gazed at the sight before them.

  “Fuck, not again,” Kell moaned.

  The witches summoned their power and unleashed it with grim efficiency. The sides of the Vigil’s vehicles quivered and shook as the magic drew down around them. With the shriek of tearing metal, the sides and tops of the vehicles were ripped free. The exposed Vigil members scrambled to recover, grabbing up their swords and guns with frantic shouts. The Pack, however, was already leaping forward, diving into the open spaces in the vehicles and tearing into the defenseless humans.

  Johnny winced as the carnage spread to other vehicles. He’d known just how ruthless and savage the Children could be, but it pained him for Kell to be witness to it. The look of horror on Kell’s face told Johnny just how much the Children’s image had been damaged. All the man had seen of the Children was them at their most brutal and unforgiving, and Johnny wasn’t sure if he could, or should, ever try to dissuade him from it.

  Without thinking, Johnny reached out to take Kell’s hand as the slaughter continued. It had the intended effect and Kell looked over at him. Johnny mustered the best smile he could, squeezing Kell’s fingers.

  “I really am sorry,” Johnny said, barely heard over the screams and gunfire.

  Kell shook his head, wincing as something hit the car. “It’s not your fault. You’ve done everything you could to help, and you would do more if you could.”

  The fact was, Johnny was still trying to figure out a way to get them out. The Children were quickly winning the battle, having been quicker and smarter than the Vigil members. More than anything, their ability to unite under the common threat of the Vigil is what frustrated Johnny the most. If the Children could manage to work together so flawlessly when they were forced to, how could they possibly not find common ground on which to walk in times of peace?

  “Maybe that’s intentional,” Kell said, unthinkingly catching Johnny’s internal dialogue.

  At the very least, Johnny was thankful their united front proved to be as powerful and efficient as it was. The battle, which had proven to be more of a slaughter, was over quickly. Both he and Kell watched as the remaining Vigil members, a ragged collection of three men and two women, were dragged to the side of the road. All five were gazing at the Children who manhandled them with undisguised hatred and fear, but they put up no resistance to their treatment. Johnny had never seen what happened to Vigil prisoners before but the rumors he’d heard were chilling.

  “Those poor bastards,” Kell muttered as he watched Vigil members bound and left on the side of the road.

  Johnny closed his eyes. “They’re no better when they manage to capture Children as prisoners. There’s no middle ground in this war—there is only destruction.”

  “And then there’s the Children,” Kell said as someone began to approach the car.

  It took Johnny a moment to recognize the woman walking toward them. Alyssa had not come out of the fight at the abandoned house unscathed. Her face was still raw and red from the wounds she’d received, and Johnny saw a trickle of blood from one of the harsh lines. Her leather clothes were torn and scorched and she was limping heavily, favoring her left leg. What sent a thread of pain through him, however, was the expression of hopeless despair on her face as she approached the car.

  He wasn’t surprised when she rounded the car to come to a stop beside his window. Alyssa gazed down at him, her eyes speaking the volumes her lips would never form with the Coven so close to hear. Briefly, her hands rose up to lay against the glass, fingers splayed wide. Johnny smiled sadly at her, reaching up to lay his hand on the glass and let it rest there before nodding.

  Alyssa cleared her throat. “John Francis Oakes, you are in direct violation of the Coven’s will in protecting a lost Child.”

  Johnny snorted, glancing over at Kell. “They finally figured that out, did they?”

  “Both Coven and Pack have pledged to protect him, and to give him whatever support it is that he needs,” Alyssa continued.

  Johnny forced himself to look at Alyssa as he spoke. “But that protection and offer of aid doesn’t extend to me, does it?”

  Alyssa’s face was the picture of professionalism, save for the tremble of her bottom lip. “No. You are guilty of the crime of using magic you should not possess and thus perverting the traditions of the Children. As well, you have been found guilty of using blood magic to further enhance your ill-begotten powers.”

  Kell shifted uneasily beside him. “I saw that in your head. What is that?”

  “Blood magic is exactly how it sounds, using the power of blood rather than outright magical force to fuel the workings. Although many Coven members use it, it’s a badly kept secret. The Coven will ignore that, though, and make a show of punishing anyone outside of the Coven, or less powerful members, as examples of what happens to blood magic users. I just happen to be an excellent example,” Johnny explained.

  Johnny had always known that his use of magic might one day come back to bite him in the ass. Worse, he’d known that blood magic, as reviled and feared as it was, would only draw more attention to him. The Coven saw fit to leave him alone for years, despite his suspicion of their knowledge of the power. It didn’t surprise him that they were finally using that card now that they wished to remove Johnny out of their way of getting to Kell.

  Johnny nodded, taking hold of the door handle. “Would you be so kind as to step back from the door for me, Alyssa?”

  Kell grabbed hold of Johnny’s elbow roughly, stopping him. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Johnny nodded toward the assembled Children. “There’s no way we’re getting out of this one, Kell. Let me go with them and try to sort this out as best I can. Push comes to shove, they’ll go through their whole ‘justice’ routine and give us time to figure something out.”

  What Johnny didn’t tell him, and locked down tight in his mind, was that he knew he was walking to his death. If the Coven even bothered to hold off killing him for his crimes, it wouldn’t be for long. Neither the Pack nor the Coven were fond of those who straddled the line between witch and werewolf, and the Pack feared blood magic just as much as the Coven did. The open use of it around the Pack was said to incite an irrational and overpowering hatred that drove them into a battle lust which had ruined more than one attempt at peace in the past.

  Johnny could see Kell didn’t believe him and smiled. “I told you I’d take care of things and I meant it. I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re safe.”

  Kell’s grip on him loosened as Johnny pulled away. Before Kell could summon his strength, Johnny pushed open the door and stepped out. Alyssa stood a foot away, her expression stony, with the collected Children in the background.

  “But you didn’t promise to take care of yourself,” Kell called, his voice sharp with worry.

  Johnny only smiled as he closed the door, wishing he’d had
more time with Kell before it came to the end. He wasn’t sure if Kell overheard the thought or if he simply sensed something was wrong. Whatever the case, Kell launched himself toward the passenger side door, trying to claw his way out. Alyssa shot Johnny a pained look as she rounded the car, catching Kell before he could get far from the vehicle.

  Johnny strode forward toward the line of Children. Some of them were gazing at him impassively, while others had looks of anger and hate on their faces. It almost made Johnny laugh to see their loathing so openly. There were so many upper level members of the Coven who used blood magic, even as they pretended to revile it, punishing those lesser than them in the hierarchy who were caught using it. They were no different than he was, but to keep up appearances, they’d cut him down without thought and perhaps with even a touch of pleasure.

  “What, no quips? No fancy tricks up your sleeves?” one of the witches called, balling his fists at his side.

  The things Johnny could have said would have turned the collective Children on their proverbial heads. At best, he would’ve incensed them enough to start arguing, perhaps killing him to end it. At worst, he’d drive them to decisive and impulsive action, which could catch Kell in the crossfire.

  From the eager looks on some of their faces, mainly in the Pack, but a few of the Coven as well, Johnny could tell they were spoiling for a fight. Johnny wouldn’t give them the pleasure any more than he’d give them the show of his final words. They intended to bring him down as quickly and quietly as possible, but they’d happily take an excuse as well. Instead, Johnny came to a halt, a relatively harmless few feet away, and waited.

  Knowing he’d only have a few minutes left before they struck him down, Johnny reached out toward Kell. For a moment, he had to fight through the panic and high emotion pouring off Kell as he fought against Alyssa’s hold. Then, the connection came through, and Kell could hear his thoughts.

  “Kell, I need you to listen to me,” Johnny thought through the connection.

  Kell’s thoughts were frantic and insistent. “Don’t do this Johnny, please!”

  “Listen. There’s no doubt in my mind that they know exactly what you are and how much power you possess. They mean it when they say they’ll support you and protect you, but never forget they have their own agenda. Let them protect you, let them train you, but never forget what they want. There are good people among the Children, ones you can care about and trust. Alyssa is a good place to start and I hope she’s allowed to be near you,” Johnny explained, the thoughts racing across the mental bridge.

  “Johnny, you can’t do this, you can’t just give up! Please don’t leave me like this,” Kell pleaded desperately, his thoughts heavy with guilt and terror.

  Johnny sent waves of calming emotion as he spoke. “I’ve done all I could to try to help you, Kell. But now, you must do this next part on your own. I’m sorry about that, but I’ve seen your strength, I’ve seen your will, you can do this. I believe in you. Now, turn away and do not watch this. Live, Kell. Don’t let this all be in vain.”

  “Johnny!” Kell’s thought shot through one more time, but Johnny cut the connection.

  As he turned his full attention back to the Coven and Pack, he could feel Kell’s mind trying to force the connection once again. But, due to inexperience or to the head injury, Kell’s strength was muted and weak. Johnny wished they could’ve talked more and that he could’ve explained so much more to him, but there was no time. The Children looked eager to be done with the whole thing and Johnny didn’t want Kell in his mind when the final blow was struck.

  “Kneel,” one of them commanded.

  Smiling, Johnny ignored the command as one small and final rebellion. Closing his eyes, he bowed his head and awaited the end.

  Chapter 9


  Kell squirmed and fought as hard as he could against Alyssa’s grasp. Johnny had wanted him to be calm and to avert his eyes, but Kell couldn’t. There was no way he’d stand by and wait for Johnny to be killed like a criminal in the streets, and not attempt to save him.

  Alyssa, however, held tight to him, refusing to loosen her hold. He didn’t need to touch her mind to know she hated everything that was happening. Her dark eyes swam with unshed tears, and her mouth was twisted in a grimace of pain and anger. Regret pooled around the outside of her thoughts and unrealized hope simmered just below it.

  Still fighting, Kell attempted to summon the strength he’d used to bring the bar down. The power that had once rushed out of him like a storm flickered and faltered. A cry of frustration and pain rose from his lips as he fought even harder, desperate to yank and pull inwardly, to draw the magic forth. The energy he touched was weak and feeble, causing a breeze around him and a faint glow but nothing else. At most, he drew the attention of a couple of the nearby wolves, and Alyssa was looking at him, but no one else even glanced his way.

  “Johnny, I’m so sorry,” Alyssa whispered, her emotions of regret and guilt pounding out harder.

  Out of desperation, Kell reached out with his mental powers, trying to reach Alyssa’s mind. She was his only hope and he was relieved to find that while he’d been unable to force a connection with Johnny before, he could tap into Alyssa’s thoughts. Sensing the intrusion, Alyssa mentally recoiled, surprise and fear overriding the guilt and sorrow. After a moment, her thoughts rearranged themselves and with a tentative gesture, she allowed Kell to connect.

  Her thoughts came through strong. “Kell?”

  “You have to stop this!” he insisted, urging her as best he could.

  “Kell, I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. I would stand alone, and the only thing I’d accomplish would be to get both Johnny and myself killed,” Alyssa explained.

  Kell focused around her mind, fortifying their connection and drawing her mentally closer. The events outside their connection slowed, and through his physical eyes, he watched the passage of time slow to a snail’s pace.

  Alyssa turned, looking around and toward Kell, it sounded as if she was physically speaking. “Good Lord.”

  “Did I just slow down time?” Kell asked, frightened and hopeful.

  Alyssa shook her head, her mouth moving as she spoke. “No, this is only the illusion of time slowing down. Thought travels far faster than words or deeds do, and by forming this deep a mental connection with me, you’ve made the speed of thought and feeling real for us. Essentially, the world hasn’t changed but our perception of it has.”

  “Which doesn’t help Johnny,” Kell said, realizing he was speaking with his mouth instead of his mind.

  Alyssa turned to him, eyes wide with awe. “They said you were strong, but to form this bridge is astounding. It’s a pity you weren’t given more time to gain your footing in the world. With your gifts, you and Johnny might have freed yourselves from the Coven and Pack’s grip.”

  Kell looked down at himself, unsure how he was moving and talking, but somehow still thinking privately. If the bridge between them was somehow purely mental, then he assumed they’d be communicating without sound and movement. The only theory he could drum up was that, somehow, it was like the dream connection with Johnny, though it was far less intimate since the only thoughts he and Alyssa chose to share were ‘spoken.’ Neither he nor Johnny had thought to check the time after their connection broke, but Kell suspected the same effect had occurred.

  Kell shook his head, not liking how his thoughts had wandered. “Is that what you wanted, for us to get away?”

  Alyssa snorted. “Of course it was. That’s why I helped you back in Boston. I never wanted you in the hands of either the Coven or the Pack. Something is wrong with the Coven.”

  Kell felt the emphasis, sensing her fear and worry in the air. “I could have told you that.”

  Alyssa shook her head. “No, you’re only seeing the Coven at their absolute worst.”

  “Johnny said the same thing. I’m sorry if I have a hard time believing it,” Kell said with a glare toward the barely moving

  Alyssa frowned. “Don’t misunderstand, the Coven has had its fair share of corruption and problems over the years. However, things have become even worse recently. Something dark has crept its way into the heart of the Coven and I can’t find its source. I’d been hoping you and Johnny might be able to find it and root it out. You aren’t bound by Coven law as I am. You’re both free in ways I’m not, and you can make all the difference.”

  “When you say the heart, do you mean the leaders?” Kell asked.

  Alyssa nodded. “It’s the best explanation I have at the moment. Policy and behavior of those in charge have changed. They’ve become harder, crueler. The war with the Pack has become fiercer, and they…the Coven, have become almost as fanatic about its laws and its hatred of outsiders as the Vigil. I can’t do anything within the system but try to help where I can.”

  “What the hell were Johnny and I supposed to do?” Kell asked, bewildered.

  “With your growing strength, I hoped you might be able to help him. Johnny has…always been a dreamer, someone who hoped for a better future. Ever since the moment of his Choosing, he’s made his own way in the world. If there were anyone I believed willing and able to ferret out the corruption at the heart of the Coven and bring them to justice, it would be him. He was the best chance I could think of,” Alyssa said, with a forlorn look toward the still Johnny.

  Kell could understand that. It was easy to believe in Johnny, unless you were Johnny himself. For all the man’s personal doubts and disbelief in himself, he was strong and true. Which was exactly why Kell couldn’t stand around and allow him to give himself up so easily, not for Kell’s sake.